過往獎項 - MARKies Award 2018 及 SABRE Awards Asia-Pacific 2018
《Marketing Magazine》「MARKies Award 2018」頒獎典禮
香港心理社會康復協會榮獲《Marketing Magazine》頒發之「MARKies Award 2018」,香港心理社會康復協會主席王明爍醫生(右二)、委員陳靄華女士(左二)、榮譽秘書黃光磊先生(左一)等代表出席頒獎典禮。
《Marketing Magazine》「MARKies Award 2018」Best Idea - Public Relationship
Hong Kong Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation with Weber Shandwick -
Facing up to Schizophrenia: The fight for better treatment, support and acceptance
Facing up to Schizophrenia: the fight for better support, treatment and acceptance—Hong Kong Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation with Weber Shandwick